Father Father Into Your Hands
Father, Father, into Your hand,
Spirit, body, soul I commend.
Take and receive, Lord, my sacrifice.
Into Your hands I commit my life.
Father, Your will, not mine be done.
To Your glory through Christ Your Son.
Take and receive, Lord, my sacrifice.
Into Your hands I commit my life.
Fight The Good Fight of Faith
Fight the good fight of faith, people of God
Unstained and without reproach
Before the eyes of men.
Run the good race, you sons of the Most High
And inherit the crown of life
From our Lord Jesus Christ!
We who are not rich in the world’s goods
Have been richly provided for
And so have wealth in many good things
An abundance rich in joy
The kingdom that we build on earth
Is not built by earthly means
But by the love and laws of Christ
Who is the King of kings!
Fight the good fight of faith, people of God
Unstained and without reproach
Before the eyes of men.
Run the good race, you sons of the Most High
And inherit the crown of life
From our Lord Jesus Christ!
For though we live in corrupted flesh
That craves its lawless ways
We yield to Christ
And the power of His word
And the Spirit of Him who saves.
Through tribulation, trial and death
We advance in one accord.
To know Him, praise Him,
Love Him, serve Him
Is our great reward!
Fight the good fight of faith, people of God
Unstained and without reproach
Before the eyes of men.
Run the good race, you sons of the Most High
And inherit the crown of life
From our Lord Jesus Christ!
When the sea turns red
And the mountains into dust
And the stars fall from the sky
When wicked men
From their thrones are cast
And martyrs for vengeance cry
When on the clouds He shall appear
And advance in bright array
What glory then shall eclipse the earth
As Christ on judgment day!
Fight the good fight of faith, people of God
Unstained and without reproach
Before the eyes of men.
Run the good race, you sons of the Most High
And inherit the crown of life
From our Lord Jesus Christ!
Fight The Good Fight
Refrain 1:
Fight the good fight with all thy might,
Christ is thy strength
And Christ thy right.
Lay hold on life and it shall be
Thy joy and crown eternally.
Refrain 2:
Run the straight race
Through God’s good grace.
Lift up thine eyes and seek His face.
Life with its way before thee lies,
Christ is the path and Christ the prize.
Find Us Faithful
We’re pilgrims on the journey
Of a narrow road
And those who’ve gone before us line the way
Cheering on the faithful,
Encouraging the weary,
Their lives a stirring testament
To God’s sustaining grace.
Surrounded by so great a cloud of witnesses
Let us run the race not only for the prize.
But as those who’ve gone before us
Let us leave to those behind us
A heritage of faithfulness
passed on through godly lives.
O may all who come behind us faithful.
May the fire of our devotion light their way.
May the footprints that we leave
Lead them to believe
And the lives we live inspire them to obey.
O may all who come behind us find us faithful.
After all our hopes and dreams
Have come and gone
And our children sift through
All we’ve left behind
May the clues that they discover
And the mem’ries they uncover
Become the light that leads them
To the road we each must find.
O may all who come behind us faithful.
May the fire of our devotion light their way.
May the footprints that we leave
Lead them to believe
And the lives we live inspire them to obey.
O may all who come behind us find us faithful.
Fit For The Fight
Fit for the fight, O Lord, to which you call me,
Fit for the fight, by your grace I aim to be.
All of my life, I will fight the good fight
Of the faith in Jesus Christ my Lord.
You have taken my life from darkness to light,
And you make me fit for the fight.
Refrain (Men):
Not by power and not by might,
But by your Spirit, O Lord
Shall we overcome the enemy!
Refrain (Women):
In all our trials and sufferings
We are more than conquerors
Through your love for us
Which saves and set us free,
Through your death
And resurrection victory.
You have taken my life
From darkness to light,
And you make me fit for the fight.
O Lord, make me fit for the fight.
For All The Saints
For all the saints
Who from their labors rest
Who Thee by faith before
The world confessed,
Thy name, O Jesus, be forever blest.
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Thou wast their rock,
Their fortress and their might
Thou, Lord, their Captain
In the well-fought fight
Thou in the darkness
Drear their one true light.
Alleluia! Alleluia!
O, may Thy soldiers
Faithful, true and bold
Fight as the saints
Who nobly fought of old
And win with them
The victor’s crown of gold.
Alleluia! Alleluia!
O blest communion, fellowship divine!
We feebly struggle, they in glory shine.
Yet all are one in Thee for all are Thine.
Alleluia! Alleluia!
And when the strife is fierce,
The warfare long
Steals on the ear the
Distant triumph song
And hearts are brave again
And arms are strong.
Alleluia! Alleluia!
The golden evening
Brightens in the west
Soon, soon to faithful
Warriors cometh rest
Sweet is the calm
Of Paradise the blest.
Alleluia! Alleluia!
But lo! There breaks
A yet more glorious day.
The saints triumphant
Rise in bright array.
The King of glory
Passes on His way.
Alleluia! Alleluia!
From earth’s wide bounds,
From ocean’s farthest coast,
Through gates of pearl streams
In the countless host
Singing to Father,
Son and Holy Ghost.
Alleluia! Alleluia!
Alleluia! Alleluia!
For God So Loved
For God so loved the world
That He gave His only begotten Son.
That whosoever believes in Him
Should not perish but...
Have life everlasting,
Have life everlasting.
Have life everlasting,
Have life everlasting.
For God so loved the world
That He gave His only begotten Son.
For God did not send
His Son into the world
To bring condemnation
But rather that through
The receiving of Him
Men might find true salvation and...
Have life everlasting,
Have life everlasting.
Have life everlasting,
Have life everlasting.
For God so loved the world
That He gave His only begotten Son.
He came into the world
And He dwelt among His own
But His own, they would not receive.
But power to become the sons of God,
He gave to all who believed. He...
To end:
Gave life everlasting
Gave life everlasting
His life everlasting
His life everlasting
For God so loved the world
That He gave His only begotten Son
His only begotten Son.
His only begotten Son.
For Such A Time As This
(Women) For such a time as this
(Men) We are called to give our all
(Women) For such a time as this
(Men) Let us all leave all else behind
To follow Christ, to spread His light
To do not our will but His
We were born to live
For such a time as this.
Behold a new day is dawning
A new time now is at hand
But still the call of our God
Rings out in our land.
And now our race is beginning
And by God’s grace may we run
The course which He sets before us
In Jesus His Son.
If not now, when?
If not us, who?
Whom is He equipping to stand?
If not here, where?
If not we, who?
Who will run our race till the end?
(Women) For such a time as this
(Men) We are called to give our all
(Women) For such a time as this
(Men) Let us all leave all else behind
To follow Christ, to spread His light
To do not our will but His
We were born to live
For such a time as this.
For The Lord He Reigns
God of all ages, the Mighty,
Whom heaven and earth adore,
All of your creatures acclaim you
As the Maker of all,
As the Giver of Life,
As the Sovereign and only God
Lord of all nations, our Father,
To whom every knee must bend
Let all the peoples confess you
As their Shepherd and King,
As their Master and Lord
As the Ruler of all the world
For the Lord, he reigns over all the earth,
And his name is great to the highest heaven.
And the firm earth shakes
And the waves lie still
And the hard heart breaks to his sovereign will.
For the Lord, he reigns! Amen!
For the Lord, he reigns Amen!
Jesus, Redeemer, our Savior,
Who purchased us by your blood,
All of your people acclaim you
As the light of the world,
As the hope of our soul,
As the king who will come again
For the Lord, he reigns over all the earth,
And his name is great to the highest heav’n.
And the firm earth shakes
And the waves lie still
And the hard heart breaks to his sovereign will.
For the Lord, he reigns! Amen!
For the Lord, he reigns Amen!
Men: For the Lord, he reigns! Amen!
Women: He reigns in the highest!
Men: For the Lord, he reigns Amen!
Women: He reigns in the earth!
Men: For the Lord, he reigns! Amen!
Women: He reigns in the nations!
Men: For the Lord, he reigns Amen!
Women: He reigns in his Church!
For You Are My God
For You are my God
You alone are my joy
Defend me, O Lord.
You give marvelous comrades to me
The faithful who dwell in Your land
Those who choose alien gods
Have chosen an alien band.
For You are my God
You alone are my joy
Defend me, O Lord.
You are my portion and cup
It is You that I claim for my prize
Your heritage is my delight
The lot You have given to me.
For You are my God
You alone are my joy
Defend me, O Lord.
Glad are my heart and my soul
Securely my body shall rest
For You will not leave me for dead
Nor lead Your beloved astray.
For You are my God
You alone are my joy
Defend me, O Lord.
You show me the path for my life
In Your presence the fullness of joy
To be at Your right hand forever
For me would be happiness always.
For You are my God
You alone are my joy
Defend me, O Lord.
Fountain Of Life
Fountain of life, ocean of love
Source of all truth and beauty
Coming down from above.
Torrent of joy, wellspring of hope
River of living waters
Flowing out from my soul.
O God, my God, for You I long
My soul thirsts for You
My flesh faints for You
Forever to You I belong.
O God, my God, there at Your side
The fullness of grace
The light of Your face
In You am I satisfied.
From Heaven's Light
From heaven’s light a voice within cries, ‘further up, come further in!’
Behold the One in glory, ruling in power, seated upon his throne.
So bow as mighty Cherubim join ceaseless voice with Seraphim,
Surrounded by the heavenly throng now lift your voice in heaven’s song!
Holy, Holy, Holy Lord, God almighty
you who were, who are, who will be!
Worthy, worthy of glory, honor and majesty
For all things – have their being in you who sit on the throne.
And from the throne a mighty voice, as angels bow and saints rejoice,
As thunder rolls and lightnings flash before the shining sea of glass.
The worship turns, the censor fills, with prayers of saints as heaven stills,
For now has come the reign of God o’er every race, nation and tongue!
Repeat chorus
From The Rising Of The Sun
From the rising of the sun
To the setting of the same
The name of the Lord
Our God is to be praised.
When the Lord brought the captives home
It all seemed like a dream
Then our mouths were filled with laughter
And our lips with songs of joy.
From the rising of the sun
To the setting of the same
The name of the Lord
Our God is to be praised.
All the people living ‘round us
Said, “The Lord has done great things!
Yes, the Lord has done great things
For us and we are glad!”
From the rising of the sun
To the setting of the same
The name of the Lord
Our God is to be praised.
O Lord, bring all people back
Let your rivers overflow.
May all those who’ve sown in tears
Now reap with songs of joy.
From the rising of the sun
To the setting of the same
The name of the Lord
Our God is to be praised.
Yes, we went away with weeping
Carrying the seed.
Now we’ve all come home with singing
Carrying the sheaves.
From the rising of the sun
To the setting of the same
The name of the Lord
Our God is to be praised.