Lead On Lord
Rise up, O children of God
Make ready your hands for war.
The King now stands before us
We join together as loyalists
To build His kingdom here on earth
And join in heaven’s chorus.
Lead on, O Lord,
Unsheathing our swords.
We arm ourselves with Your truth.
Burn in our hearts, enflame our lives.
The battle is now, we’re here to fight.
This age it seeks to destroy.
Clouds my mind,
Robs my heart of Your joy.
We pray together for vision.
Our ears are poised to listen.
Lead us now unto war
We accept our mission.
Lead on, O Lord,
Unsheathing our swords.
We arm ourselves with Your truth.
Burn in our hearts, enflame our lives.
The battle is now, we’re here to fight.
Let God Arise
Verse 1
Let us rise with our eyes now fixed on Jesus.
May we come to know his precious love victorious.
Let us stand with the shield of faith around us,
Let us raise one voice to glorify our maker.
So we move forward, with our eyes fixed on him
who ransomed the lowly man from sin.
The clarion calls we will press on towards the one (Last time: As for me I will press on...)
who calls us onwards now into battle.
With joy we rise and we will answer our King's call
As we cry "Holy worthy mighty is our Lord."
Verse 2
Marching on our God will go before us.
May we follow in the footsteps of our saviour.
In his great love he died upon a cross.
Let us press on without counting the cost.
So we move forward, with our eyes fixed above
On him who ransomed us in love.
Bridge (3x)
Women: He is glorious, victorious in pow'r (3x)
Men: Let God arise
Let Heaven Rejoice
Let heaven rejoice and earth be glad
Let all creation sing
Let children proclaim through every land
“Hosanna to our King!”
Sound the trumpet into the night
The day of the Lord is near.
Wake His people, lift your voice
Proclaim it to the world.
Let heaven rejoice and earth be glad
Let all creation sing
Let children proclaim through every land
“Hosanna to our King!”
Rise in splendor, shake off your sleep
Put on your robes of joy
And in the morning you shall see
The glory of the Lord.
Let heaven rejoice and earth be glad
Let all creation sing
Let children proclaim through every land
“Hosanna to our King!”
Raise your voices, be not afraid
Proclaim it in ev’ry land:
“Christ has died, but He has risen,
He will come again!”
Let heaven rejoice and earth be glad
Let all creation sing
Let children proclaim through every land
“Hosanna to our King!”
Sing a new song unto the Lord
For He has done wonderful deeds.
And praise Him, thank Him,
Dance before Him, play before the Lord.
Let heaven rejoice and earth be glad
Let all creation sing
Let children proclaim through every land
“Hosanna to our King!”
Nations tremble, wise men amazed,
A Child is born this night:
Wonderful Counselor, Mighty God
A Father, Prince of Peace.
Let heaven rejoice and earth be glad
Let all creation sing
Let children proclaim through every land
“Hosanna to our King!”
Let The Fire Fall
Holy Spirit, (Holy Spirit)
Come with Your fire!
Holy Spirit, (Holy Spirit)
Come with Your fire!
Holy Spirit, come with Your fire!
Holy Spirit, come with Your fire!
Come, Holy Spirit, let the fire fall!
Come, Holy Spirit, let the fire fall!
Let the fire fall! Let the fire fall!
Holy Spirit, (Holy Spirit)
Purify my heart!
Holy Spirit, (Holy Spirit)
Purify my heart!
Holy Spirit, purify my heart!
Holy Spirit, purify my heart!
Come, Holy Spirit, let the fire fall!
Come, Holy Spirit, let the fire fall!
Let the fire fall! Let the fire fall!
Holy Spirit, (Holy Spirit)
Set my life on fire!
Holy Spirit, (Holy Spirit)
Set my life on fire!
Holy Spirit, set my life on fire!
Holy Spirit, set my life on fire!
Come, Holy Spirit, let the fire fall!
Come, Holy Spirit, let the fire fall!
Let the fire fall! Let the fire fall!
To end:
Let the fire fall! Let the fire fall!
Let The Righteous Be Glad
Let God arise
Let His enemies be scattered
Let those who hate Him flee before Him!
As smoke is driven, so drive them away
As wax melts before the fire.
Let the righteous be glad,
Exulting before God, jubilant with joy!
Sing to God, sing praises to His name
Lift up a song to Him
Who rides upon the clouds.
Let the righteous be glad,
Exulting before God, jubilant with joy!
Sing to God, sing praises to His name
Lift up a song to Him
Who rides upon the clouds.
O God, when You went forth
Before Your people,
When You marched
Through the wilderness,
The earth quaked,
The heavens poured down rain
At the presence of the God of Israel.
Let the righteous be glad,
Exulting before God, jubilant with joy!
Sing to God, sing praises to His name
Lift up a song to Him
Who rides upon the clouds.
With mighty chariots,
Thousands upon thousands,
The Lord came to the holy place.
You ascended leading captives
In your train
And receiving gifts among men.
Summon Your might, O God,
Show forth Your strength,
You who have conquered for us.
Our God is a God of salvation
To Him belongs escape from death.
Let the righteous be glad,
Exulting before God, jubilant with joy!
Sing to God, sing praises to His name
Lift up a song to Him
Who rides upon the clouds.
He sends forth His voice,
His mighty voice,
He who rides in the ancient heavens.
Sing to God, O kingdoms of the earth,
Sing praises to the Lord.
Let the righteous be glad,
Exulting before God, jubilant with joy!
Sing to God, sing praises to His name
Lift up a song to Him
Who rides upon the clouds.
Awesome is the Lord is His sanctuary
Whose majesty is over Israel.
He gives power
And strength to His people –
Blessed be our God!
Let the righteous be glad,
Exulting before God, jubilant with joy!
Sing to God, sing praises to His name
Lift up a song to Him
Who rides upon the clouds.
Let The Righteous Rejoice
Praise the Lord, O my soul,
And forget not all His benefits.
Praise the Lord, O my soul.
Let the righteous rejoice and be glad.
Blessed are they who hunger
For righteousness,
Surely they will be filled.
And those who suffer
For the sake of righteousness
Theirs is the Kingdom of heaven.
Praise the Lord, O my soul,
And forget not all His benefits.
Praise the Lord, O my soul.
Let the righteous rejoice and be glad.
Seek first His kingdom
And His righteousness,
Make God your portion in life.
Secure your treasure in heaven alone
Where your treasure is
Your heart will be also.
Rejoice and be glad, O my soul.
I know that my Redeemer lives
And I shall see the face of God.
Praise the Lord, O my soul,
And forget not all His benefits.
Praise the Lord, O my soul.
Let the righteous rejoice and be glad.
To end:
Rejoice and be glad, O my soul.
I know that my Redeemer lives
And I shall see the face of God.
And I shall see the face of God.
And I shall see the face of God.
Let The Saints Be Joyful
Let the saints be joyful in glory,
Let the high praises of God
Be in their mouth,
And a two-edged sword
In their hand.
And a two-edged sword
In their hand.
Enter His gates with thanksgiving,
Enter His courts with praise.
Be thankful to Him, bless His name.
For the Lord is good
And His mercy is everlasting
And His truth endureth for all time.
Group 1:
Enter His gates with thanksgiving,
Enter His courts with praise!
Be thankful to Him, bless His name.
Group 2:
Let the saints be joyful in glory,
Let the high praises of God be in their mouth,
And a two-edged sword in their hand.
Group 1:
For the Lord is good
And His mercy is everlasting
And His truth endureth for all time.
Group 2:
Let the saints be joyful in glory
Let the high praises of God be in their mouth
And a two-edged sword in their hand.
Let the saints be joyful in glory,
Let the high praises of God
Be in their mouth,
And a two-edged sword
In their hand.
And a two-edged sword
In their hand.
Let There Be Peace
Let there be peace on earth
And let it begin with me.
Let there be peace on earth,
The peace that was meant to be.
With God as our Father,
Brothers all are we.
Let me walk with my brother
In perfect harmony.
Let peace begin with me,
Let this be the moment now.
With every step I take
Let this be my solemn vow:
To take each moment
And live each moment
In peace eternally.
To end:
Let there be peace on earth
And let it begin with me.
Let Us Exalt His Name
At all times I will bless Him
His praise will be in my mouth
My soul makes its boast in the Lord.
The humble man will hear of Him
The afflicted will be glad
And join with me to magnify the Lord.
Let us exalt His name together forever.
I sought the Lord, He heard me
And delivered me from my fears.
Let us exalt His name together forever.
O, sing His praises, magnify the Lord.
The angel of the Lord encamps
‘Round those who fear His name
To save them
And deliver them from harm.
Though lions roar with hunger
We lack for no good thing.
No wonder then we praise Him
With our song.
Let us exalt His name together forever.
I sought the Lord, He heard me
And delivered me from my fears.
Let us exalt His name together forever.
O, sing His praises, magnify the Lord.
Come, children, now and hear me
If you would see long life
Just keep your lips
From wickedness and lies.
Do good and turn from evil
Seek peace instead of strife
Love righteousness
And God will hear your cry.
Let us exalt His name together forever.
I sought the Lord, He heard me
And delivered me from my fears.
Let us exalt His name together forever.
O, sing His praises, magnify the Lord.
Let Your Glory Fall
Father of creation,
Unfold Your sovereign plan.
Raise up a chosen generation
That will march through the land.
All creation is longing
For Your unveiling of pow’r
Would You release Your anointing?
O God, let this be the hour!
Let Your glory fall on this room.
Let it go forth from here to the nations.
Let Your fragrance rest in this place
As we gather to seek Your face.
Ruler of nations,
The world has yet to see
The full release of Your promise,
The Church in victory.
Turn to us, Lord, and touch us.
Make us strong in Your might.
Overcome our weakness,
That we could stand up and fight.
Let your Kingdom come. (Let your Kingdom come.)
Let Your will be done. (Let Your will be done.)
Let us see on earth (Let us see on earth)
The glory of Your Son.
Let Your glory fall on this room.
Let it go forth from here to the nations.
Let Your fragrance rest in this place
As we gather to seek Your face.
To end:
We are gathered to seek Your face.
Let Your Glory Fill This House
Let Your glory fill this house
And Your presence fill our hearts
As Your praise fills our mouths
O Lord, my God!
Lift High The Banners Of Love
Lift high the banners of love!
Sound the trumpets of war!
Christ has gotten us the vict’ry!
Jericho must fall.
The body of Christ is an army
Fighting powers unseen
Bringing the captives to freedom
In the name of Jesus our King.
Lift high the banners of love!
Sound the trumpets of war!
Christ has gotten us the vict’ry!
Jericho must fall.
Brothers, are you sure of your calling?
Will you fight for Jesus the King?
Are you prepared in this battle
To lay down your lives for your friends.
Lift high the banners of love!
Sound the trumpets of war!
Christ has gotten us the vict’ry!
Jericho must fall.
We must stand in unity
By the Spirit made strong.
Stand with Jesus our Captain
And fight till God’s Kingdom has come.
Lift high the banners of love!
Sound the trumpets of war!
Christ has gotten us the vict’ry!
Jericho must fall.
Preach the Savior crucified,
Dead but risen again.
Come against the powers of darkness
In His glorious name.
Lift high the banners of love!
Sound the trumpets of war!
Christ has gotten us the vict’ry!
Jericho must fall.
In the name of God the Father,
In the name of Jesus, His Son
And in the name of the Spirit,
We will fight till we are called home.
Lift high the banners of love!
Sound the trumpets of war!
Christ has gotten us the vict’ry!
Jericho must fall.
Lift High The Cross Of Christ
Lift high the cross of Christ!
Rejoice in the cross of Christ!
It was there our Savior hung,
There our vict’ry was won!
Lift high the cross of Christ!
Women: How was our salvation won?
Men: It was the cross of Christ!
Women: How were sin and death undone?
Men: It was the cross of Christ!
Lift high the cross of Christ!
Rejoice in the cross of Christ!
It was there our Savior hung,
There our vict’ry was won!
Lift high the cross of Christ!
Women: How were our diseases healed?
Men: It was the cross of Christ!
Women: How was the law of death repealed?
Men: It was the cross of Christ!
Lift high the cross of Christ!
Rejoice in the cross of Christ!
It was there our Savior hung,
There our vict’ry was won!
Lift high the cross of Christ!
Both: What set all the captives free?
It was the cross of Christ!
Opened the gates for you and me?
It was the cross of Christ!
Lift high the cross of Christ!
Rejoice in the cross of Christ!
It was there our Savior hung,
There our vict’ry was won!
Lift high the cross of Christ!
Lift Up Your Hands To God
Life is not at all that bad my friend, hmm…
If you believe in yourself,
If you believe there’s Someone
Who walks through life with you,
You’ll never be alone, just learn to reach out
And open your heart,
Lift up your hands to God
And He’ll show you the way.
And He said: “Cast your burdens upon Me,
Those who are heavily laden.
Come to me, all of you who are tired
Of carrying heavy loads.
For the yoke I will give you is easy
And my burden is light.
Come to me, and I will give you rest.”
Lift Up Your Heads O Gates
Lift up your heads, O gates,
And be lifted up, O ancient doors.
That He may enter, the Lord of armies,
Triumphant and valiant in war!
The mighty King of glory,
Jesus Christ the Lord!
O King most High,
Gird Your sword upon Your thigh.
In glory and splendor ride forth to war
O’er all Your foes You are Lord!
Lift up your heads, O gates,
And be lifted up, O ancient doors.
That He may enter, the Lord of armies,
Triumphant and valiant in war!
The mighty King of glory,
Jesus Christ the Lord!
Come, behold His works,
He makes wars to cease
O’er all the earth.
The Lord breaks the bow
And He shatters the spear
He burns the chariots with fire.
Lift up your heads, O gates,
And be lifted up, O ancient doors.
That He may enter, the Lord of armies,
Triumphant and valiant in war!
The mighty King of glory,
Jesus Christ the Lord!
Come, behold the Lamb
Take His seat at God’s right hand.
The Lion of Judah has conquered death
And brought new life for all men.
Lift up your heads, O gates,
And be lifted up, O ancient doors.
That He may enter, the Lord of armies,
Triumphant and valiant in war!
The mighty King of glory,
Jesus Christ the Lord!
Come again, O Lord,
Wield Your mighty two-edg’d sword.
In righteousness, Jesus,
Come, judge and make war
Till sin and death be no more.
Lift up your heads, O gates,
And be lifted up, O ancient doors.
That He may enter, the Lord of armies,
Triumphant and valiant in war!
The mighty King of glory,
Jesus Christ the Lord!
Lift Your Banners High
What can stand against the Lord
And against the praises of His saints?
What can stand against the Lord
And against the praises of His saints?
Lift your banners high.
God, our righteousness,
Is coming to His people.
Lift your banners high.
God, our righteousness,
Is coming to His temple.
Look Beyond
Look beyond the bread you eat,
See your Savior and your Lord.
Look beyond the cup you drink,
See His love poured out as blood.
Give us a sign
That we might believe in you.
Our fathers brought us manna
From the sky.
Look beyond the bread you eat,
See your Savior and your Lord.
Look beyond the cup you drink,
See His love poured out as blood.
I am the bread
Which from the heavens came.
He who eats this bread will never die.
Look beyond the bread you eat,
See your Savior and your Lord.
Look beyond the cup you drink,
See His love poured out as blood.
The bread I give you
Will be My very flesh.
My blood will truly be your drink.
Look beyond the bread you eat,
See your Savior and your Lord.
Look beyond the cup you drink,
See His love poured out as blood.
This man speaks harshly;
Who can listen to His word?
We shall no longer follow Him.
Look beyond the bread you eat,
See your Savior and your Lord.
Look beyond the cup you drink,
See His love poured out as blood.
You, my disciples,
Will you also leave?
Lord, to whom can we go?
Look beyond the bread you eat,
See your Savior and your Lord.
Look beyond the cup you drink,
See His love poured out as blood.
Lord Jesus We Enthrone You
Lord Jesus, we enthrone You.
We proclaim You are King.
Standing here in the midst of us
We raise You up with our praise.
And as we worship build a throne
And as we worship build a throne
And as we worship build a throne
Come, Lord Jesus, and take Your place.
Lord Enkindle Me
Lord, enkindle me.
Fan the flame in my heart for Thee.
Take my life to be Your life,
Be the light in me.
Mold me to your likeness,
Purified in holiness.
Warm my heart to be Your heart,
Love Your world through me.
Set my heart on fire for Thee!
Magnify Your light in me!
Love that dies … that love may rise
Your love raised on high!
Lord Here I Am
Lord, here I am to answer Your call.
Lord, here I am to serve and love You.
I have left everything just to follow You.
Here is my heart, here is my mind,
Here is my soul, here is my whole self.
I am for You and You alone.
Lord I Lift Your Name On High
Lord, I lift Your name on high.
Lord, I love to sing Your praises.
I’m so glad You’re in my life.
I’m so glad You came to save us.
You came from heaven to earth
To show the way
From the earth to the cross
My debt to pay
From the cross to the grave
From the grave to the sky
Lord, I lift Your name on high.
Lord We Come Into Your Holy Presence
Lord, we come into Your holy presence
There to gaze upon Your face.
Through the veil
We see You robed in glory
Before Your throne to take our place.
And with our voices
We now praise Your name:
You are our King and no other!
We cry to You, “Establish your reign!”
We shout, “Your Kingdom come!”
Hallelujah, our King! Glory to God!
We call on Your name.
Give us strength for the fight.
Build us up by Your power.
Make us one in Your name.
Your Kingdom come!
Lord We Give To You
Lord, we give to You
The glory and honor You are due
With hearts and hands upraised.
No worldly riches compare
With the joy of seeing You face to face.
Lord You Are More Precious
Lord, You are more precious than silver.
Lord, You are more costly than gold.
Lord, You are more beautiful than diamonds,
And nothing I desire compares with You.